
Das 20. Jahrhundert und seine Repräsentationen

Representing the 20th Century

Prof. Thomas Sandkühler

Thomas Sandkühler is a Professor for History Didactics at the Humboldt University Berlin. He received his PhD from the Bielefeld University with a dissertation about the Holocaust in Eastern Poland and served i. a. as an Assistant Professor at the Bielefeld history department. From 1997 to 1999 he directed the German research team of the Independent Commission of Experts: Switzerland – Second World War. Sandkühler had been teaching the subjects history and German literature at Secondary and High Schools before he was appointed Professor in 2009 by his current University. His fields of research comprise Nazi Germany and its representation in Public History, the history of History Didactics and the history pedagogy of Memorials. In September 2015 he was elected First Chairman of the Konferenz für Geschichtsdidaktik e. V., the Association of History Didactics in Germany.

Select publications


Adolf H. Lebensweg eines Diktators [Adolf H. Life’s journey of a Dictator], München 2015.

Historisches Lernen denken. Gespräche mit Geschichtsdidaktikern der Jahrgänge 1928-1947. Mit einer Dokumentation zum Historikertag 1976 [Thinking Historical Learning. Talks with Historiographers of the 1928s-1947s. With a Documentation of the Day of Historians 1976], Göttingen 2014.

(with Bettina Zeugin) Die Schweiz und die deutschen Lösegelderpressungen in den besetzten Niederlanden. Vermögensentziehung, Freikauf, Austausch 1940-1945, (Veröffentlichungen der Unabhängigen Expertenkommission: Schweiz – Zweiter Weltkrieg, Bd. 24) [Switzerland and the German Ransom Blackmail in the Occupied Netherlands. Vesting of Ownership, Ransom, Exchange 1940-1945, (Publications of the Independent Commission of Experts: Switzerland – Second World War, Bd. 24)], Zürich 2002.

(with Benedikt Hauser u.a.) Die Schweiz und die Goldtransaktionen im Zweiten Weltkrieg (Veröffentlichungen der Unabhängigen Expertenkommission: Schweiz – Zweiter Weltkrieg, Bd. 16) [Switzerland and the Gold Transactions in the Second World War (Publications of the Independent Commission of Experts: Switzerland – Second World War, Bd. 16)], Zürich 2002.

„Endlösung” in Galizien. Der Judenmord in Ostpolen und die Rettungsinitiativen von Berthold Beitz 1941-1944 [„Final Solution” in Galicia. The Murdering of Jews in Eastern Poland and the Rescue Initiatives of Berthold Beitz 1941-1944], Bonn 1996.

As an editor

(with Rolf Schörken) Demokratie lernen. Beiträge zur Politik- und Geschichtsdidaktik [Learning Democracy. Contributions to Political and Historical Didactics], Köln/ Wien 2015.

Europäische Integration. Deutsche Hegemonialpolitik gegenüber Westeuropa 1920-1960 (= Beiträge zur Geschichte des Nationalsozialismus, Bd. 18) [European Integration. German Hegemonic Politics towards Western Europe 1920-1960 (= Contributions to the History of National Socialism, Bd. 18)], Göttingen 2002.

(with Horst-Walter Blanke und Friedrich Jaeger) Dimensionen der Historik. Geschichtstheorie, Wissenschaftsgeschichte und Geschichtskultur heute (Festschrift für Jörn Rüsen zum 60. Geburtstag) [Dimensions of the Science of History. Historical Theory, History of Science and Historical Culture of Today (Festschrift for Jörn Rüsen for his 60. Birthday)], Köln u.a. 1998.